83: The Power of Perspective: How Your Beliefs Shape Your Health Journey

Sep 09, 2024

Feeling stuck on your health journey? Maybe you don’t even believe it’s possible to achieve the outcomes you want? It’s easy to get bogged down by the numbers and let frustration and self-doubt take over. But here’s what all my long-term successful patients have in common: they believed it was possible from the very beginning.

When setbacks occur or results aren’t immediate, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed and question if it’s really worth it. So how do you start believing that something else *is* possible, even if you’ve never achieved it before? In this blog, we dive into the power of self-belief and its impact on your health journey. You’ll learn why focusing on what you want to achieve, rather than what you’re trying to avoid, is the key to maintaining progress. Plus, we discover how shifting away from a scarcity mindset and into a more abundant outlook can unlock your potential and drive lasting successeven when past struggles have made belief seem out of reach.

Belief: Why It Matters and How to Harness It

When you're grappling with doubts about your health progress, it’s tempting to focus on past failures and reinforce the belief that achieving your goals is impossible. You might think, “I’ve never been able to do this before, so why should I think this time will be different?” It’s a common trap to fall into, and often we look to our family history for clues, thinking, “Well, if my relatives couldn’t do it, maybe I can’t either.”

But is it actually helpful to stay stuck in this mindset of limitation and defeat? Focusing solely on what hasn’t worked or comparing yourself to others can undermine your progress. Understanding your genetic background can offer some insights, but it shouldn't define your potential. Instead, we need to flip the switch and embrace the belief that we have control over many aspects of our health and can achieve our most optimal outcomes.

What if anything is possible?

Imagine walking into your favorite store—whether it’s Target, Walmart, or wherever you love to shop—picking up the result you’ve been striving for, paying for it, and walking out with it. What would that result look like for you? What would you choose if it were that simple?

Now, once you achieve that result, you might expect it to bring lasting happiness and signal the end of your journey. But our brains are wired to adapt quickly, and once you get used to a new achievement, the thrill fades, and you're soon focused on the next goal. The reality is, change is constant, and you're always evolving and setting new targets. 

Embracing this concept is key to our journey, and there’s a lot of truth in the cliché "It’s not about the destination; it’s about the journey." Real growth happens as we work toward our goals, whether that’s increasing protein intake or diversifying our diet.

Personally, focusing solely on the scale only leads to frustration and often even weight gain. Instead, I find progress and motivation by asking questions like, “What does health look like to me today?” or “What can I realistically achieve within my schedule?” These questions guide me more effectively and positively than fixating on a number, which usually results in negative feelings and self-doubt.

So, if you could achieve any result right now, what would it be? And more importantly, how can you start working toward that result today? Each day is an opportunity to make choices that guide you toward your goals. Remember, small, consistent steps can lead to significant progress over time. By focusing on what you can control and embracing the journey, you'll find yourself moving forward with a sense of purpose and possibility.

Adopting the “Can” Mindset

It might sound like a small shift, but simply believing you can achieve your health goals could be the only change you need to make today. 

Why does this belief matter so much? Often, we get caught up in a cycle of self-criticism, constantly asking ourselves why we haven’t done more or why we’re not further along. This type of negative self-talk, where we shame ourselves for not achieving more, is counterproductive. Science shows that shame and self-reproach aren’t effective long-term motivators. They actually impede progress by keeping us in a place of scarcity and self-doubt.

So instead of focusing on what you haven’t done, try shifting your perspective. Ask yourself what you want to achieve and why it’s possible for you. This shift from a mindset of scarcity to one of possibility can create a powerful change. For instance, if you keep focusing on what you don’t want—like processed foods or excess junk food—you’re reinforcing a negative mindset. But when you concentrate on what you do want—like increasing your protein intake or adding more vegetables to your diet—you start to channel your energy into positive, actionable steps.

Think of it this way: When you believe that achieving your goals is possible, you begin to create the conditions for success. It’s like creating a vacuum that draws in the results you’re aiming for. This mindset helps you see opportunities and solutions where you might have previously seen only obstacles.

Instead of dwelling on why things might not work or how hard it’s going to be, focus on what you can do today to move forward. Embrace the idea that your belief in your potential is a powerful driver for progress. By doing so, you open yourself up to new possibilities and find ways to overcome challenges, even when roadblocks arise.

So, challenge yourself today: Why NOT you? Why shouldn’t you be able to achieve your goals over the next 10 or 20 years? Even if your weight or body shape doesn’t change, why shouldn’t you feel more comfortable and healthy in your body? Believing that it’s possible to make meaningful changes, even in the face of past struggles, can be the key to unlocking your potential and achieving lasting success.