74: Low-Hanging Fruit: The Key to Breaking Fat Loss Plateaus

Jul 08, 2024

Have you ever felt stuck in your weight loss journey, convinced that one particular issue is holding you back? Whether it's the late-night chocolate cravings or skipping workouts, many of us tend to fixate on the one issue we believe is the barrier to our progress. After coaching many people with this mindset, I've learned how crucial it is to take the blinkers off and identify all the other areas where you can make small improvements that will help you break through plateaus.

Think of it like picking apples in an orchard—you start with the ones within easy reach. Instead of aiming for the top of the tree, focus on the low-hanging fruit first. Simple changes such as increasing water intake, choosing better-quality foods, or enhancing your sleep routine can make a huge difference. If you're feeling stuck in your fat loss journey, read on to learn how to make these manageable adjustments that will pave the way to achieving your goals.

Assessing Your Mental Readiness for Change

If you're feeling stuck in what seems like a plateau, it’s important to first check if that is the reality of where you are. Have you been consistently doing all the things that support your health—like drinking enough water, eating your protein and fiber, staying active, getting good sleep, and managing stress? If you've genuinely maintained these habits for a couple of months—firstly, congratulations—you might find your body is actually in a maintenance phase. (I prefer this term over "plateau" because it acknowledges all the hard work you've put in so far.)

You might be itching to push past this but don’t forget that changing habits isn't always easy—it requires both mental and sometimes physical energy. Whether it's tweaking your workouts, fine-tuning your diet, adjusting your sleep routine, or trying new stress management techniques, making these changes will take some effort. So before diving into anything new, make sure you're mentally prepared and have the drive to see it through.

Practical Steps to Break Through Plateaus

Feeling stuck in your weight loss progress can be frustrating, but it's also an opportunity to rethink your strategy. Rather than fixating on one perceived obstacle, try broadening your perspective and exploring alternative changes you can make. 

Here are two practical tasks to help you identify new strategies that will move you closer to your goals:

Task 1: Identify Alternative Changes

  • Write It Down: Take a moment to jot down the main issue you believe is hindering your progress (e.g. having two square of chocolate at night)
  • List 20 Alternatives: Cover up your main issue and brainstorm 20 other areas for improvement. This exercise helps you realize there are numerous avenues beyond your initial focus.
  • Order by Ease: Arrange your list from easiest to hardest. Start tackling the simplest tasks—the low-hanging fruit—that you can implement right away.

Task 2: Break Down Your Main Challenge

If you're struggling to brainstorm alternatives in Task 1, break down your main challenge into smaller, actionable steps.

For instance, if lack of exercise is the issue, consider factors like adjusting the time of day, equipment availability, or incorporating enjoyable activities into the movement, such as walking with podcasts.

It’s crucial to take some time for this brainstorming session. Write down all the potential actions you can take to move forward. Once you have your list, identify the easiest tasks to implement and take action on those first. This approach can help you break through any perceived barriers and start making meaningful progress towards your goals.

Optimizing Health: Key Focus Areas

Everyone has aspects of their health they can improve. And when it comes to optimizing your well-being, these are the key areas I would focus on prioritizing:

Fluid Intake:

  • Ensure you're getting enough fluids, including water and other liquids.
  • Aim for at least 64 ounces per day, adjusting as needed based on individual factors like activity level and climate.

Food Quality and Nutrient Intake:

  • Prioritize whole foods over processed options to optimize nutrition and satiety.
  • Focus on incorporating adequate protein and fiber into your meals to support metabolism and overall health.

Physical Activity:

  • Evaluate your current exercise routine to determine if adjustments are needed.
  • Find a balance between movement that energizes you without causing excessive stress or fatigue.

Sleep Quality:

  • Ensure you're getting sufficient and restorative sleep each night.
  • Address any factors that may be disrupting your sleep, such as sleep disorders or poor sleep hygiene.

Stress Management:

  • Identify sources of stress in your life and develop strategies to manage them effectively.
  • Prioritize activities that promote relaxation and reduce stress levels to support overall well-being.

There is always room for growth and change. Start with one simple upgrade—just a 1 percent improvement in one area. Once you begin this journey of small changes, you'll find your awareness expands, and you'll uncover more opportunities for improvement than you might have imagined. It's about starting small, staying consistent, and allowing these small wins to accumulate into greater progress towards your health and wellness goals.