71: BONUS: Build Strength in Just 10 Minutes, from Your Chair, in Pajamas with Dr. Ali Novitsky

Jun 19, 2024

If you were to ask me the top problem that no one can figure out when they're working with me, it would be strength training. I only see a handful of people manage to sustain their own home exercise programs, commit to gym memberships, or stick with a trainer over the long term. Most people think they just don't have the right tools, time, or knowledge to make it work.

If you are someone who struggles to prioritize exercise—especially strength training—then read on! Today, I’m sharing expert insights from Dr. Ali Novitsky, CEO and founder of The FIT Collective™, who has a “smarter, not harder” approach to fitness. Learn how simple, scientifically-backed strategies can optimize muscle mass and transform body composition, all in as little as just 30 minutes a week. Having been through Dr. Novitsky's program myself and seeing the incredible results, I can say with confidence this is *the* fitness breakthrough you've been waiting for!

Is Ten Minutes of Exercise Really Enough?

The first thing to understand is that individuals who are in a calorie deficit—eating less than what their body is using—will lose weight. But without strength training and adequate protein intake during a weight loss phase, up to 25% of the weight lost could be lean muscle mass. That’s why we prefer to focus on optimal weight loss, which means maintaining muscle while losing body fat.

Here's the good news: the baseline minimum to maintain muscle mass is pretty straightforward. For most women, eating three servings of protein a day (four for men) and doing three 10-minute strength training sessions per week can help maintain muscle mass.

In my experience and with my clients, when people hit their protein goals and do these short strength training sessions, they don’t lose muscle mass. It’s a simple yet effective plan.

Consistency Over Intensity

The key to this approach is consistency, not intensity. It’s not about how much you can do at once, but how long you can sustain it. Many people get excited about intense programs like P90X, but the real game-changer is maintaining a consistent routine over the long term. Think 90 years, not just 90 days!

The Low Buzz Effect

Changing the way we think about our lifestyle is key. Most of us don’t get a huge dopamine hit from small, consistent actions. We crave the big, exciting rush that comes from starting a major program. But the real results come from what I call the "low buzz."

This low buzz is the steady, almost neutral feeling you get from doing small things consistently. It’s not dramatic or exciting—nothing bad, nothing super amazing, just steady progress. Your brain might tell you it’s not enough, while your body says it’s too much. Finding that sweet spot is crucial.

The low buzz comes from small, consistent actions: taking a walk, doing a 10-minute strength session, choosing a protein-rich snack instead of hitting the cookie jar. It’s about making small, healthy choices that add up over time. Yes, it can feel boring, and that’s where discipline comes in. It’s about showing up and doing your 10-minute workout three days a week, every week, for years.

This steady effort doesn’t give you that huge dopamine rush, but it leads to significant results: reduced body fat, maintained muscle mass, and improved longevity. So embrace the low buzz, and remember that these small, consistent actions are what make the difference in the long run. As someone who has seen these results firsthand, I can assure you that this approach truly works!

I've Never Strength Trained Before, Where Do I Start?!

Starting a strength training routine can feel daunting, especially if you've never done it before or you feel like your body isn't up for the challenge. But let me assure you, there is a way to make it accessible and effective for everyone, regardless of age or ability.

The solution? A phased approach that meets you where you are. In Phase 1 of Dr. Novitsky’s program, every movement can be done from a chair, using the chair as assistance. You don't need any fancy equipment—the key is to make strength training non-negotiable while keeping it practical and achievable. The movements are simple and effective, designed to build and maintain muscle mass without the need for a gym membership or complicated equipment. You can start in your own home, in your pajamas, with just a chair and a device to play the videos.

If you've never strength trained before, don't worry. The most important part is taking that first step and committing to a routine that works for you—one that's sustainable and tailored to your unique needs.

I Don't Have Time for Exercise!

This is perhaps one of the most common reasons people give for not exercising regularly. It's understandable—life gets busy, responsibilities pile up, and finding even a sliver of time for yourself can seem impossible. But here's the truth: if something is a priority, you will find a way to make time for it.

I've seen individuals with incredibly demanding schedules—physicians on call, busy parents, caregivers—still manage to incorporate these 10-minute strength sessions into their day. How? By making it a non-negotiable part of their routine. They treat those 10 minutes like an important meeting—they schedule it and stick to it.

When you catch yourself saying, "I don't have time," it's crucial to reflect on your priorities. If health and well-being are truly important to you, then making time for exercise needs to be a priority. It doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming; it's about consistency and dedication over time. Whether it's doing a workout during a lunch break, or squeezing it in before the household wakes up, there are creative ways to find those 10 minutes. It's about shifting your mindset from "I don't have time" to "I choose to make time because my health matters."

The Meditative and Emotional Regulation Benefits of Strength Training

Strength training can be more than just physical exercise; it can serve as a powerful tool for emotional regulation and meditation. This aspect of strength training is often overlooked but holds immense value for mental well-being.

I was initially hesitant about incorporating strength training into my routine. It felt like a logistical challenge, and something I wasn't naturally drawn to. Yet, under Dr. Novitsky’s guidance, it became surprisingly accessible and even meditative. It wasn't just about lifting weights or following a workout routine; it became a time for introspection and mindfulness. Her gentle cues and mindset prompts during workouts encouraged me to focus inward and to connect with my body and breath. Through muscle engagement and synchronized breathing, I found a pathway to calmness and peace.

Why Specialists Matter in Your Fitness Journey

Not all fitness advice is created equal. What works for one person may not work for another, especially if underlying metabolic issues or psychological factors are at play. Specialists, like obesity medicine physicians, offer a nuanced understanding of these challenges, which is crucial for managing conditions like leptin resistance or insulin sensitivity. They recognize that sustainable weight loss isn't just about calorie deficits; it's about optimizing metabolic health and understanding individual responses.

The fitness industry likes to push one-size-fits-all solutions on us that ignore how different we all are. This can be frustrating and cause setbacks, especially if you have specific metabolic issues or a history of disordered eating.

When you work with a specialist, you get strategies that are all about you—what your body needs and what your goals are. Whether it's dealing with issues like leptin levels or tackling emotional eating, their expertise means you're more likely to stay on track for long-term success with a plan that works for you long-term.

Start Your Strength Training Journey with "Muscles and Mindset"

Dr. Novitsky's new program, Muscles and Mindset, is designed to revolutionize how people approach strength training and weight loss. It addresses the common barriers people face when it comes to working out, including lack of time, confusion about workouts, and the desire for simplicity and effectiveness.

Here's what we can look forward to with Dr. Novitsky’s Muscles and Mindset program:

  1. Accessibility: The program is tailored for beginners to advanced exercisers. Whether someone is new to strength training or more experienced but wants guidance, Muscles and Mindset offers structured phases that gradually build strength and confidence.
  2. Flexibility: With workouts that start from a chair and progress to more complex movements, participants have the flexibility to choose their starting point and advance at their own pace. Each week delivers three new workouts—upper body, lower body, and full body—ensuring variety and continuous progress.
  3. Personalization: Every workout is crafted and professionally recorded by Dr. Novitsky herself. This personal touch ensures that participants receive expert guidance without the need for a gym membership or complex equipment.
  4. Affordability: Unlike many subscription-based programs, Muscles and Mindset offers a one-time payment model, making it accessible and sustainable for long-term use.
  5. Medical Integration: As a physician, you have the opportunity to prescribe this program to your patients, tailoring the level of intensity and guidance they need based on their health and fitness goals. This integration of medical advice with exercise programming enhances patient outcomes and adherence.

By combining effective strength training with a focus on mindset and accessibility, Muscles and Mindset aims to empower individuals on their journey towards sustainable weight loss and improved overall health. It's a program designed to fit seamlessly into busy lifestyles while delivering significant results over time. We're excited to witness your progress toward a stronger you! Learn more by clicking here!