63: Today's Actions, Tomorrow's Health: The Power of Your Future Self

Apr 29, 2024

As anyone who struggles with weight management knows, it takes a lot more than waking up one day and deciding “it’s time to get healthy”. Our health is shaped by the countless small decisions we make each and every day and when we don’t see instant results, it can feel hard. But one of the key things that keeps me going? My love for my future self.

When you think of yourself in five years, what do you see? Do you see yourself still consumed by food, weight, and stress, missing out on life's joyful moments? Do you imagine a future filled with body hatred and isolation? My guess is this is not what it looks like when you are envisioning your future. Or at the very least, this is not what you want to see yourself like in the future.

But when you embody the future version of yourself who lives differently than you do today, you have such an opportunity to shape your reality. Today, we’re delving into the concept of your "future self" and discovering how it can empower us to follow through on the actions that move us closer toward our goals.

The Concept of Your “Future Self”

The idea of your “future self” is all about doing things today that will benefit the version of yourself in the future. I've always resonated with this concept because it means I'm not just doing things for myself in the present moment—I'm also doing them for who I want to become down the road.

The key to achieving long-lasting results is having a strong "why." It's not just about doing this for yourself now; it's also for your future self and your family. The more reasons you have for why you're making these changes, the deeper your motivation becomes. It's about identifying with the person you want to be in the future and taking actions today that align with that vision.

When it comes to health goals, I've realized it's not always easy. It requires consistent effort and conscious decisions every single day. Over time, it might get easier, but it's never entirely effortless. Some days I struggle and need to regroup to stay on track.

Even with support like medications, nothing makes it a walk in the park. That's why I constantly remind myself of who I want to be and what I want to achieve. One pivotal moment that pushed me was when we rented a pontoon boat on vacation. I hesitated to get into the water because I didn’t trust that I could get back up the rickety little ladder onto the boat. But that moment made me realize that I never wanted to be held back by my body again.

So, on a typical Monday morning, when I may not feel like exercising,  I push myself to put on my gym clothes and move, even if it's just walking around my house. It's not always a long session, but it's still a gift to my future self—a step towards being physically better.

To reach a better physical state in the future, consistency and planning are key. I'm transforming into a person who craves movement and feels better being active than sitting idle all day. I ask myself, “What do I want to give to my future self?” and then take the necessary steps today to make it happen.

Bright Spots Theory

My coach, Amanda Sabicer, introduced me to the “Bright Spots” theory, and it has really stuck with me ever since. Here's how it works: think about an aspect of your life that feels intuitive, easy, and energizing—something you're naturally talented at. For me, it's seeing patients and engaging in patient care. I love what I do in this area, and I constantly have positive thoughts about it. I feel grateful for the opportunity to help and connect with my patients and I'm always brainstorming ways to enhance their experience.

However, I've noticed that I'm not always as positive or confident when it comes to my health aspirations. I might doubt whether I can achieve certain goals or question if they're even possible for me. It's interesting to reflect on why I have such different thought patterns in these areas of my life.

The key takeaway from the Bright Spots theory is recognizing these contrasting attitudes and beliefs. If we can understand why we approach certain areas effortlessly while struggling with others, we can start addressing the mental blocks that hold us back. 

To set up our future self for success, we need to identify and overcome these obstacles in the present.

Choices Today, Gifts for Tomorrow

Each person's journey is unique, and what we need in the present to support our future selves can vary. Sometimes, progress means taking a step back to move forward more effectively.

For me, this realization has involved restructuring my work schedule to prioritize balance and sustainability. It's not always easy, but these adjustments are acts of self-love toward my future self, whom I care deeply about.

And so I want you to consider: What can you do today to support your future self? How can you show love and care in your actions today to pave the way for the future you desire? Let's challenge ourselves to make choices today that will benefit our tomorrow.