110. Rest Is Not a Luxury—It’s the Foundation of Your Health

Mar 17, 2025

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Do you ever feel like no matter how much you do, it’s never quite enough? Our culture glorifies hustle—pushing harder, working longer, and squeezing productivity into every spare moment. But what if the key to better health, sustainable weight loss, and long-term success isn’t doing more—but learning to rest?

Rest isn’t just about sleep (though that’s important too). It’s the foundation for everything from metabolic health to muscle recovery, and yet, so many of us resist it—believing we need to "earn" our downtime. The truth is, rest isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity.

In this post, we’ll explore what rest actually means, how it impacts your body and mind, and simple ways to embrace it—without guilt. If you’ve ever struggled to slow down, this is your sign to rethink what rest really means.

What Does Rest Really Mean?

Before we dive into why rest is essential, let’s start with the basics: what does “rest” actually mean?

Rest can be both a verb and a noun. As a verb, it means to cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength. That definition alone is powerful—rest isn’t just about doing nothing. It’s about actively refreshing and recovering. It’s a process that allows us to restore energy, not just a passive state of inactivity.

As a noun, rest is defined as a period of relaxing or ceasing to engage in strenuous or stressful activity. Again, it’s not just about stopping—it’s about intentionally creating space for restoration.

When you think about it, everything in life follows natural rhythms. We have wake and sleep cycles, where our brain waves shift between alertness and deep rest. Our heart rate changes throughout the day, rising when we’re active and lowering when we sleep. Even digestion has its own rhythm—after we eat, our bodies enter a "rest and digest" phase, shifting blood flow and energy toward nutrient absorption. And of course, our work schedules reflect this need for balance—no one (at least not sustainably) works 24/7 without a break.

Rest isn’t one-size-fits-all. For some, rest looks like curling up with a book. For others, it might be going for a walk, engaging in meaningful conversation, or even attending a lively gathering. The key is identifying what feels restorative for you.

Take a moment to reflect—when was the last time you truly felt rested? If you already know what restores you, you’re ahead of the game. If not, this is your chance to start exploring what real rest looks like in your life.

The Power of Consistent Rest

Nowhere in the definition of rest does it say that rest requires a specific amount of time. That’s what makes it so powerful—you don’t need hours upon hours to benefit from it. What matters most is consistency.

If you don’t build rest into your routine, it often turns into what I call “emergency operations.” You push through stress, ignore your body’s signals, and then suddenly realize you’re completely overwhelmed. In a panic, you try to force relaxation—bubble bath, deep breathing, reading a book—but your nervous system doesn’t know how to shift gears. You haven’t practiced resting, so instead of feeling refreshed, you feel restless, guilty, or stuck in a mental loop of to-do lists.

The key? Micro-moments of rest. Small, intentional pauses throughout the day help train your body and mind to recognize that rest is coming. Try this:

  • When you come home, change clothes, sit for five minutes, and take deep breaths to transition out of work mode.
  • Before bed, remind yourself, This is my time to rest rather than spiraling into tomorrow’s stress.
  • Acknowledge rest when it happens—rather than feeling guilty, be grateful for the pause.

Your nervous system thrives on knowing that rest is predictable, just like hunger cues. If you’ve ever struggled with diet culture, you know how deprivation can create panic around food. The same happens with rest—when it’s unpredictable or scarce, your body stays in survival mode. But when you create consistent, repeatable rest moments, your body learns that rest isn’t a luxury—it’s a rhythm it can trust.

Rest Isn’t Just Doing Nothing—It’s What Fills You Up

I used to think rest meant stopping completely—doing nothing. But I’ve realized it’s not just about stillness; it’s about recharging in a way that actually feels good. And that looks different for everyone.

When I shared a video on this recently, people had such creative ideas, and I loved hearing how rest shows up in their lives. So, I wanted to share a few of my favorite ways to reset—small moments that help me feel more energized, not just less tired.

Here are a few of my personal favorites:

  • Walking – A 30–40 minute walk changes everything for me. It lowers my stress, clears my head, and feels even better when I pair it with a catch-up call with a friend.

  • Coloring – I love simple, fun designs—cats, cozy drinks, nothing complicated. Using alcohol markers makes it effortless, and it’s a great way to switch my brain off for a bit.

  • Playing video games with my kid – When he’s in the right mood, it’s surprisingly restful. Lately, we’ve been playing Sasquatch, a silly little game that makes him laugh nonstop. It’s a small, joyful moment of connection.

  • Listening to podcasts and audiobooks – My go-to way to unwind, whether it’s an unedited business pitch session or an in-depth interview. I listen while walking, doing light work, or just taking a break.

  • Sitting in silence – Even five minutes in the car with no music or podcasts makes a huge difference. It’s a simple reset that helps my mind breathe.

Rest isn’t about doing nothing—it’s about doing what fills you up. When you ignore rest, stress takes over, and you hit more plateaus—whether in weight loss, energy, or focus.

And the best part? It doesn’t require a huge lifestyle change. Just small moments woven into your day.

So, what does rest look like for you? I’d love to share some of your ideas in a future podcast episode! Send me an email with your ideas: [email protected].